Ghost Mine


In the remote woods of Oregon lies one of the richest gold mines in the United States that was abandoned 80 years ago when a series of tragedies gave it an infamous reputation for being haunted.  Now, a new owner has decided to take on the notorious legend and reopen the mine, assembling a colorful team of miners – both seasoned and new – to battle the elements  along with a pair of experienced paranormal investigators, in hopes of finding a fortune.

This strong-willed and superstitious group of miners will face the day-to-day challenges of mining, aided by the paranormal investigators who unravel the mysteries surrounding the mine, including historic Masonic connections and a spirit who has been known to haunt the area for generations.

Ghost Mine is produced by 51 Minds, an Endemol company, with Mark Cronin (Rock of Love with Bret Michaels), David Caplan and Jay Bluemke (Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters Academy) serving as Executive Producers.

For those of you that don’t believe in Spirits or Ghosts, this show is the real deal.  I really enjoyed watching this program and can’t wait until next season to start.  It is on SyFy network….Enjoy!

Sara Maria

(Bastet ) Bast !
Is the awareness of the fact that like me all cat’s are psychic too! Bast

A Year And A Day

Bast (Pagan Blog Project)
Bastet, Baast, Baset, Ubasti, Pasch, Pasht, Ailuros, Aelurus

  • A popular ancient Egyptian feline goddess.
  • Patron of the sun, the moon, lions, cats, women, sex, fertility, passion and secrets.  Also associated with perfume and protective ointments.
  • Bast is also known as a war goddess, protector of the lands.

File:British Museum Egypt 101-black.jpg

  • Originally, Bast was viewed as a fierce lioness, protector goddess of Lower Egypt.  She defended the pharaoh and the male deity Ra, giving her the names Lady of the Flame and Eye of Ra.  She was also seen as the daughter of Ra.
  • Once the Egyptian cultures unified, the fierce lioness war deity Sekhmet became more dominant.  Bast was renamed Bastet and began to be associated with domesticated cats and seen as a mother deity.
  • The Greeks later associated her with the moon and children, and likened her to Artemis.

Bast - Emily Balivet

  • Bast was sometimes depicted holding a ceremonial sistrum…

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I was jogging
3 years ago
when I was visited
by a flock
of 6 or 7 Crows.
They landed on the curb
to my right
flew to a roof in my approach
Then back to the curb
on my left
up the street they flew
and down
the next,

They were
flying in a one by one
to awaken
to my death,

A life waiting
if I could dare to
give it

Or was it my birth

that made them fly

in this pattern
up in the sky
and back
to earth

Pluto’s resurrection birds

Crows keep a nest so clean
even though they eat
flying in
bold scavenger rings
Saturn’s ominous
messenger team
showing me
the Loving world
of the Unseen

carriers provoke a reverence
for the Foreseen

Each year,
The crows would reappear
forever daring me
to face all I fear

“Let these black birds open your ears”

I have heard your caw at nightfall
and in the brightness
of a hopeful day-

The sweep of your flight
always brings an awe
from darkness,
to light,
a change in what appears in sight,

I will
never forget
the Crow that found me on the side of a highway
dizzy and sick
running from the car
all my senses aware of the shift
of his lies
and tricks
cold and afraid
I went hungry
that October day
one solitary Crow
landed inside
my grave
cawing over the traffic
to throw it up
to end the masquerade
the pain
of the dark charades
Oh the Crow
helps me know
what cannot
and will not

Crows call
from inside your void
heaven and hell’s armies
are deployed.

I cannot fear
when they
are near
this feast upon the dead in me
and the Truth
so loud and clear

My heart kneels
in reverence now
when a

By, Jennifer Clevenger

Jennifer is joining the blog and will be adding more awareness

with us.

Blessings sent out to all sentient beings.


Tis a TRUTH! Blessed Be!

Adventures and Musings of an Arch Druidess

  • Peter Dybing: Stirring the Cauldron of Pagan Sensibilities

: Session Seven


  • Sam Webster: Pagan Soteriology

  • Tony Mierzwicki: Pagan Warriors Past and Present
  • Amber Deneén Gray: On Racism, Misogyny, and Homophobia in Pagan Reconstructionist Communities
  • Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: Field Research of Collecting the Oral Stories of Gaeyang Halmi, the Sea Goddess of Korea, and Uncovering Her Magoist Implications


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Adventures and Musings of an Arch Druidess

Up this morning

Katheryn Le Fevers Evans – Leadership in Depth & Archetypal Psychology : Indigenous Vision Quest– This is a Medicine Wheel presentation

Joseph Merlin Nichter – The Ink Blot Tarot: A Querent’s Journey of Self Discovery

Kenneth Christensen – Runic Academy: Transmutation of the Dark Night of the Soul into a Creative Process

Joan DeArtemis – Help! There’s a Pagan in my Christian College

2nd Session

Joseph Futerman, Elizabeth Rose MSW and Charlotte Turvey – Building Pagan Community Organization: Avoidance, Engagement and Adaptation

Kimberly Kiner – Fear, Minority Stress and the Journey Toward Healing

Moderator – Jeffrey Albaugh, Kim Kiner, Joseph Futerman, Elizabeth Rose, Charlotte Turvey, – Panel Discussion: Putting Descartes Before the Horse: Pagan Identities and Challenges to Serving the Pagan Body Politic



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Well done!

Susan Korsnick

While I had every intention of working all weekend on the Roots series of paintings that I mentioned in my last post, Mother Nature had other plans for me on Saturday.  Instead of the cold, grey, frosty January day I was expecting, Saturday was warm, sunny, & enticing.  I couldn’t resist the desire to be outside.

Whistling for Freyja, we slowly explored the backyard together.  She sniffed the ground for signs of rabbits while I took notice of each small bud & each bright red winterberry.  I walked deliberately, visualizing roots reaching from the soles of my feet into the soft, damp soil then sighed contentedly.  Being outside is so soothing to the spirit!

After pruning blueberry bushes & grapevines then hauling two wheelbarrow loads of debris to a spot behind my house where lawn clippings can be composted, dirt was not only on my hands but also on my…

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